Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The New New! Better Than The Old New!


In our current world where "Newness" garners the most appeal, Shreddies has launched a new campaign that pokes fun at this idea of "new is better". Their new cereal 'Diamond Shreddies' is essentially the exact same cereal as 'Shreddies', but launched as a different shape and therefore different product. The website contains videos that show the reactions of people who are introduced to this new product. Their reactions are baffling and often hilarious because the public does not know how to react to this. The question that the company seems to pose with this marketing ploy is not so much "what should my reaction be" but moreso "why should I react"?

When I saw the billboard, I reacted immediately (that may be partly due to the fact that I need more inspiration for this media blog!) It made me think, which is good. In fact this is a very good thing because even though I was lured into researching this product and finding the website, I was also turned onto exercising my agency. I knew immediately from the website that this was a joke, and watching the videos made me realize that if you got the joke that you were already getting the message. It's clear that what Shreddies wants to point out is the overwhelming emptiness of this 'manufactured obsolence' that exists in all these 'new' products. We must consume the new, because it promises us the fulfilment of our deepest dreams and desires. Shreddies, which is almost like a 'cult' cereal: consistent and bought by the same people who have treasured it throughout their lives, is not going to give into that. They do acknowledge it, but they resist it - and do so by being ironic!

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